How To Grow Vegetables

Garlic Pests And Diseases

Garlic is one vegetable that is has less damage from pests and diseases than most. The ones that it does contact are very similar to those found in the rest of the onion family.

White rot is a bad fungal disease for which there is no cure and changing the variety does not help. It is seen as a white fungal deposit around the roots and base of the bulb. Lift the infected plants and destroy them and do not plant in this area for 8 to 10 years to remove the problem.

Onion thrips can attack the leaves giving a white damaged appearance and can reduce the size of the crop. They are usually related to hot dry weather.

Fusarium basal plate rot is a fungal problem that attacks the root area and the base of the garlic and the leaves go yellow. As with all fungal diseases the spores remain in the ground for years so a long crop rotation is required. Destroy any plant material to avoid retaining and transferring the problem.

Leek moths lay their eggs at the base of the leeks and the larvae tunnel through the stems and completely ruin the plant. Remove and destroy it as soon as possible.

They can be attacked by mildew problems but it is usually limited if present at all. The crop should be rotated each year for the best results.

Also see How To Grow Garlic

By Richard Allen -

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